Don't buy a Life Insurance Policy Untill You Read This

 I think you will agree that not having life insurance is one of the dumbest things in the world you can do if you don't have if you're leaving the people.You care about most open to a world of hurt when you die and yes it can happen to any of us. I see it every  week how will your family get by how will your spouse pay for the morgage food utilities health care you kids college tuition etc...  

Everyone needs life insurance it's what people do when they care about their families thirty years in this industry has taught me a lot life insurance is the most amazing product mankind ever invented it's the only product that turns pennies in to dollars  and it delivers those dollars exactly when they're  needed most and it's dirt cheap but before you buy life insurance the biggest most important question you need to answer is how much coverage do I want let's face it we only  die once and if we die with the wrong amount of life insurance there's no do overs our families are screwed now there are some rules of thumb now of which work very well and there are some pretty elaborate and easy-to-use needs calculators online including the one on our website but even those sometimes miss the mark.

Everyone knows that nothing can replace a father a mother a husband or a wife what life insurance can do though is replace the economic value of a human life so what's your life worth economically to your family not sure answer this question if i were to write you a check right now for the full death benefit at all the life insurance you own would you agree to work the rest of your life for no pay if your answer is no way then you probably don't have enough coverage if you're saying where do I pick up the check well then maybe you do have enough either way getting the right face amount is critical once you know how much you need to figure out what kind of life insurance you need so here's some information that might help you with that term life insurance is certainly the most affordable a term life policy now costs about a third of what it did just 20 years ago a 35 years  old health email can get a half million dollars of 20 years level term for less than seventy - five cents a day term life insurance is typically sold in terms of ten fifteen twenty five and thirty years there's even a term life policy that guarantees a hundred percent of money back even if you don't die it's called ROP term the ROP stands for return of premium if you live to the end of the 30-years term you get a refund of all the premiums you paid for example say at age 35 you buy a  $ 1,000,000  30-years ROP policy .

Let's say your premiums are a thousand dollars a year of course that'll depend on your age health and other factors but at the end of the thirty year period in this example. If you're still here and haven't died and the policy is still in force the insurance company will pay you $30,000 tax-free and if you happen to die before the term is up then your family will receive the full 1 million dollars death benefit which is also income tax free ROP policies do cost a little more than regular term policies so why are you wondering whether there's a catch well there is if you don't keep the policy for the 30 years you don't get  all your money back so don't buy one of these unless you think you're going to hold on to it for the full 30 years now with all term insurance the downside is that it covers you for a temporary period of time and when the term of the policy ends whether that's 10 years or 30 years the new premium jump dramatically which basically forces you to drop the policy now this is good for the insurance company because they don't have to pay you anything but it's bad for you and your family the only way win the game of life insurance is to die with your policy in force if you do that you will have won the game.

 The insurance company will have lost money on your policy you will have turned pennies into dollars for your family and that money will be delivered to them exactly when it's needed most so how do you make sure you win well if you buy a permanent life insurance policy you won't have to worry about your policy ending there's no expiration data on this type of product premium remain level forever let's do the math on that real quick let's take a woman age 43 with a $500,000 permanent life policy with a guaranteed annual premium of $2,500 a year at age 83-40 years later She would have paid in a total of exactly $100,000 in premiums over the years now if she dies in that same year at age 83 her family receives $500,000 income tax free that's a net gain of four hundred thousand dollars a hundred the our and in five hundred thousand out that's a tax-free return of over seven percent and depending on your tax bracket that's like earning eleven or twelve percent guaranteed in this world today what other financial instrument can ever come close to this and these returns are guaranteed by some of the largest and highest rated financial institutions on the planet insurance companies.

now for some shameless self-promotion one of the best place to buy affordable life insurance is a tack you quote over the past thirty years. We have helped our clients secure over hundred billion dollars of life insurance coverage we work with dozens of top rated brand-name life insurance companies. You trust we can help you figure out the how much what kind which company We can even help you get coverage if you have medical issues all at the a price you can afford and we do it right over the phone no pressure and no three our kitchen table face off just call us at the number on your screen or go to a queue quote calm we love to help people save money I hope this information was helpful and thanks for reading...


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